28 FEBRUARY 2025: The current turnaround time is 1 week provided you approve your template promptly.

Bruce the BitsyBon Moose
Bruce the BitsyBon Moose
Bruce the BitsyBon Moose
Bruce the BitsyBon Moose

Bruce the BitsyBon Moose

Regular price
Sale price
GST (Goods and Services Tax) included.
Quantity must be 1 or more

Meet Bruce, the sweetest and most lovable plush moose sidekick.

Complete with antlers and a texture as soft as silk, this stuffed moose makes a great companion.

47cm in length (top of antlers to bottom of feet) and ~ 35cm when sitting. 

Pictured with DVD case to give a visual size reference.

Remembears have now rebranded as BitsyBon, this moose is very similar to the Remembears Maurice Moose but slightly smaller (comparison picture included).